The first year of your baby’s life is a magical journey filled with unforgettable moments and milestones. As parents, we all want to cherish and preserve these precious memories for a lifetime. Unfortunately, we can’t capture and store every moment in a baby’s first year, but we can collect the important milestones and frame these precious pictures and objects to preserve them to look back on for years to come.
In this blog, we will explore essential baby milestones worth documenting, including the significance of photographs, handprints and baby outfits. As framing experts we will delve into our creative ideas for framing these keepsakes, utilising various frames for different objects and designating a specific frame to be the baby’s first year photo frame.
Milestone #1: The Birth Announcement
The journey of capturing your baby’s milestones begins right from the moment of their arrival. Celebrate this joyous occasion by creating a birth announcement that includes a photograph, your baby’s name, birth date and a heartfelt message. Share the announcement with family and friends to spread the happiness.
Milestone #2: Newborn Photoshoot
Within the first few weeks, consider scheduling a professional newborn photoshoot. Newborns grow rapidly and these timeless images will be cherished forever. Capture their tiny fingers, tiny toes and adorable expressions in captivating poses. Using a baby photo frame to display the best shot from the photo shoot can serve as a heartwarming centrepiece to your nursery or a gift for the grandparents.
Milestone #3: Monthly Progress Photos
Babies develop and change dramatically during their first year. A monthly photoshoot allows you to track their growth and capture their evolving personalities. Using a designated ‘my first year’ photo frame, you can display these monthly snapshots together, creating a beautiful timeline of their journey through infancy.
Milestone #4: Hands and Footprints
Babies’ tiny hands and feet hold so much sentimental value. Making hand and footprints on special occasions like the first month or the first Christmas is a delightful way to document your baby’s growth. Use baby-safe ink pads or non-toxic clay to take these impressions. Once dry, you can frame them alongside a memorable photograph for a charming display.

Milestone #5: First Solid Food
Introducing your baby to solid food is an exciting milestone for both parents and the baby. Capture the moment when your little one experiences new flavours and textures for the first time. Consider taking a photo or recording a video to remember the adorable reactions. Pair this keepsake with a small spoon or bowl, framed elegantly, as a lovely reminder of their first food experience.
Milestone #6: First Smile and Laughter
A baby’s first smile and infectious laughter are truly heart-melting moments. As soon as your little one bestows their first smile upon you, be prepared to capture it. These spontaneous and heartwarming expressions will make you smile every time you revisit them in your photo frame.
Milestone #7: Sitting, Crawling and First Steps
As your baby starts reaching physical milestones like sitting up, crawling and taking their first steps, be sure to have your camera ready to capture these exciting developments. Frame a sequence of these moments, creating a visual representation of their journey towards independence.
Milestone #8: Baby’s Favourite Toy or Blanket
Babies often develop a strong attachment to a specific toy or blanket. These comfort items become an integral part of their early years. Frame a photograph of your baby with their beloved toy or wrapped in their favourite blanket, allowing you to reminisce together with your child in their later years about the special moments in their childhood. To capture the authentic toy or blanket itself, consider framing a square of the actual blanket or toy.
Milestone #9: First Birthday Bash
The first birthday is a major milestone for both babies and parents as it signifies the end of that special first year of life. Plan a memorable celebration and don’t forget to document it. Capture the joy on your little one’s face as they dive into their first cake or explore their first birthday presents. Frame a selection of pictures from the birthday party, creating a beautiful memory photo collage.
Milestone #10: Framing Baby Outfits
Babies outgrow their clothes quickly, but some outfits hold a special place in our hearts, for example that first outfit they wear home from the hospital. Whether it’s the first onesie they wore or a cute little dress they wore for a family gathering, consider framing these garments. Framing baby clothes ideas can include using custom frames to preserve and showcase these sentimental pieces of clothing that will present and preserve.

The first year of your baby’s life is a whirlwind of love, growth and unforgettable milestones. By capturing and framing these precious moments with the Frame Today experts, you can create a lasting memory that you and your child will treasure for a lifetime.
At Frame Today we will not only help you display and preserve your special baby moments but also assist you in finding the perfect personalised frame that matches the moment and your preferences.
We use high quality materials that offer superior protection and look professional and clean. Professional framers take the time to listen to your preferences as well as provide expert advice to find the perfect frame to match your special baby moments.
Embrace the moments of joy watching your child grow and let the frames tell the store of your baby’s extraordinary first year. Start framing important milestones in your baby’s first year by contacting the Frame Today experts now!